How the initiative is organised [translate]
The initiative is self-managed collectively by our ICR Development Team (dt). Every internally displaced person, every refugee, every person living in exile and everyone wishing to support displaced persons can join the dt.
Every dt member, or dtm for short, is entitled to establish working groups as they see fit for as long as they embrace our three foundational values of openness, equality and diversity. If someone creates a group they are entitled to chair it. All groups are open to all dtms. No closed groups are allowed. All groups must be advertised on our website (here), so that people know they exist and are able to participate.
Every group has a defined purpose (aims and objectives). Some are discussion groups, some have a social or a technical focus. All groups will be offered slots at the proposed international conference (podium discussions, workshops etc) to present their work and share their thinking.
Working groups are the principle mechanism by which ideas get developed and work gets done. Some groups will be self-managed, others will be organised by the Democracy School or other partners. Some groups meet once a week, or once a month; others might meet on an irregular basis. All groups will be run on a voluntary basis.
Anyone wishing to set up a group can do so by completing and returning our participation form. The form can be downloaded as an electronic or a print version. Anyone wishing to join a group can do so here.
The dt and its working groups are supported by the Democracy School who acts as the initiative’s accountable body and lead partner. Anyone interested in joining our dt should contact us.
We are also in the process of developing our ICR Partnership Programme, which will allow other organisations to support us, for example as media partner. Anyone interested in partnering with us should contact us.
Additional information about the Democracy School is available here.