Timeline of a revolution [translate]
We intend to develop the International Committee of Refugees collaboratively, together with displaced persons, NGOs and other stakeholders, in the following two-stage process.
Stage One: Mobilisation
During this stage we will be doing four things:
(1) Develop the ICR Development Team to build momentum and engage with the 'refugee sector' and refugee communities everywhere. We are particularly keen to see refugees and people living in exile to join our team.
Anyone interested should contact us. We need your help.
(2) Run an international petition to obtain a mandate and to create a global network of supporters that includes internally displaced persons, refugees and people living in exile, as well as institutional stakeholders and activists.
This petition has been set up in 2015 and is still live. To participate, please click here.
(3) Subject to funding, consult refugees locally (wherever you/we are), across the EU and beyond (globally) to better understand the needs of refugee communities and to strengthen our network of members and supporters.
To participate in or support this consultation please get in touch.
(4) Short-list potential board members, so that, if during the next stage it is decided to go ahead with the election of the proposed committee (ICR), a board capable of taking this forward can be elected/appointed.
Anyone interested in proposing a board member should contact us.
Stage Two: Founding Conference
If we can attract at least 1,000 signatures (by refugees) and can show that there is a need for what we propose, we will, subject to funding, organise an international refugee conference.
At this conference we will:
(1) present our idea for an international committee of refugees, why we think this is needed, and how this could be done – based on the evidence collected,
(2) organise workshops to widen and deepen the debate and explore alternatives where they exist, so that by the end every conference participant understands what is on offer, and hence is able to decide whether to support it,
(3) cast a vote to decide whether or not to pursue the idea and call an international election to elect the proposed International Committee of Refugees (ICR).
(4) If a vote is cast and it is decided to call an election, we will appoint or elect a management board to take the initiative forward and to oversee the election. The board would be dissolved once the ICR is elected.